Inspired Handmade Bowls
Inspired Handmade Bowls
Inspired Handmade Bowls
Inspired Handmade Bowls
Inspired Handmade Bowls

Inspired Handmade Bowls

I don't know if you can tell from our website, but we like words. One of the best parts of having this site is getting to draft copy for it. You can imagine how much we loved finding these handmade bowls with aspirational words on the bottom. Even better is the artisans' story, which Jessica tells herself below and we couldn't make any better! Here's the story of "Affirmed."


Through a magical convergence of a love for both words and art, Jessica Cuevas and Anita Grimley conceived their vision of the dynamic union of the two, forming their co-op "Affirmed." These co-workers turned friends were drawn to different art mediums from their youth, and found their respective artistic outlets to be a necessary, restorative practice to help balance the demands of teaching and their full adult lives. Having acknowledged the transformative power of everyday written affirmations they have intentionally shared with themselves, each other, co-workers, and students, Jessica and Anita began to fuse these messages into their art pieces. Anita focuses on sourcing recycled, repurposed or upcycled materials such as wood, rock, glass and shell, while Jessica works with clay, which affords her the opportunity to recycle and reuse as much of it as she possibly can. The messages embedded in their handiwork convey the potential each of us possess to cultivate a more positive mindset. 

These affirmation bowls are created by hand on the potter's wheel by Jessica. The bowls are created, trimmed, and glazed by hand. The simplicity of the clear glaze on the white clay allows the affirmation word in the center to be the focus of each piece. Jessica is a proponent of mindful eating, and so she believes that we have an obligation to fully enjoy the sensation and taste of what we are eating. The intent is that when the meal is finished, each of us is left with a message of affirmation to consume as well, carrying it with us into our day. Each message at the bowl's center completes the statement, " I am...…." These intentional declarations contain the power to strengthen our positive beliefs about ourselves."