Sharing Plate
Sharing Plate

Sharing Plate

This lovely plate makes it easy to pay generosity forward. Put a tasty treat on this plate and send it along its way with your best wishes. (We initially wrote 'homemade treat' but then thought, wait - who cares if it's homemade or bought in a store? We're about making your life easier, not more stressful! No judgments here.) 

The plate is made by artisans at Hebron Glass in Hebron, West Bank.  Hebron Glass is a family business that was established in 1890. It operates three workshops in Hebron in the West Bank and also compensates artisans who work from home. It provides an excellent income and safe working environments to about 60 artisans.

The plate is approximately 10" in diameter. It's ceramic and should be hand washed and kept out of the microwave. Fair trade certified.